United States Agency for international Development (USAID) Mission to Pakistan is soliciting applications for the following positions for its Lahore office:

1.       AID Project Manager Assistant (Education)
For detailed position description and posting of online application interested applicants may visit our website: http://islamabad.usembassy.gov/employment_opportunities.html  Applications must be submitted on form DS-174 (Application for Employment as LE Staff) which can be accessed from the above website: Application cab be submitted either by email on FSNIslamabad@usaid.gov or by postal mail on the below address:

HR Unit, Executive Office
USAID / Pakistan, U.S. Embassy
Ramna 5, Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad is submitted by email, the title of the position must be mentioned in the subject line. In case of postal mail, please mark application envelop with position title position title on the right of the envelope Application should be sent only once either by email or by postal mail. Deadline for submission of applications is October 11, 2012.